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Thriving On Impact – Mihai's Perspective On Breaking Silos and Ensuring a Growth Mindset Across His Team

Mihai Andras, Operations Delivery Lead DevOps and Application Management shares his story of how the company supported him in becoming a better professional.

Thriving On Impact – Mihai's Perspective On Breaking Silos and Ensuring a Growth Mindset Across His Team

I joined Accesa 5 years ago, and I knew I made the right choice when I started to feel the company's support in helping me become a better professional. Accesa's people-first culture motivates me to have an impact and contribute to building an environment where individuals feel valued and supported to take their careers forward.

As an Operations Delivery Manager, I foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement by breaking down silos and encouraging cross-functional teamwork, open communication, and knowledge sharing. Spending a lot of effort to achieve all these pay off as I have a positive impact in terms of increased efficiency, better problem-solving, and enhanced collaboration among the multiple teams I manage.

By ensuring smooth operations, efficient processes, and services delivered right on time, I'm contributing to better results for our clients and stakeholders. As a team, I’m proud to say that we keep our promises and promote transparency in relation to our clients. Being committed helps us build successful and longstanding relationships with them.

I'm grateful for the remarkable people I've met here, no matter their role, from team members to top managers, all have helped me evolve and made me understand different perspectives and approaches. We each have our own personalities and ways of working, but this makes our team so great as we share experiences and come up with various solutions.

By being open, transparent, and trustworthy, we're growing stronger day by day. Having direct managers who set a clear vision, provide us with guidance, and empower us to perform at our best also plays a vital role.

As a leader, I learn a lot from managing conflicts as it helps me grow and invest in my relationships. Finding a sweet spot that benefits both parties - constructive for my team and undisruptive for the client - remains one of my biggest challenges. I don't believe in perfect solutions, but everything can be handled in a professional and fair way.

Nor do I believe in perfect days. All days are the best when you have great people at your side with whom you have fun at lunch breaks or have meaningful conversations about the latest technology trends.

Care, knowledge, growth. This is Accesa for me.