(Manufacturing) Modernising a Legacy Application to Increase Performance and Help Our Client Keep Pace With the Changing Dynamics of the Textile Industry

A two-century-old global supplier of systems for fiber spinning partnered with us to modernise their legacy code application to increase performance.

(Manufacturing) Modernising a Legacy Application to Increase Performance and Help Our Client Keep Pace With the Changing Dynamics of the Textile Industry

Leveraging our technical expertise, a two-century-old global supplier of systems for fiber spinning partnered with us to modernise their legacy code application to increase performance and keep up with fast-changing industry requirements. Used during the sales process to help customers decide which machinery best fits their needs, the application runs different scenarios for cost and resource optimisation considering sustainable practices and the specifics of each business.

Given the effects of inflation felt all around the globe, driven by energy cost and interest rate increases, doubled down by sustainable practices dominating the world's agenda, manufacturers need to review their budget structures and resource usage to stay competitive. As a top worldwide supplier for the Textile industry, our client is helping their customers gain efficiency and resilience by adopting cost-effective manufacturing systems into their plants and production sites. With the help of our subject-matter experts, our client succeeded in modernising their legacy code application from Gupta SQL to .NET, increasing its performance and adapting it to align better to current trends in the Manufacturing and fibres sectors.

Engineering Proficiency and Effective Collaboration

Even though the application was developed for almost 20 years on a very old Gupta SQL and no previous documentation was available, through reverse engineering, our creative problem solvers understood the application's functionalities and processes. Our team managed to extract over 1,000 math formulas run by the application to generate cost-effective and resource-efficient scenarios based on customers' needs and long-term goals.

Through regular meetings with our client's technical team and by showing initiative and a can-do attitude, our software engineers understood the business' specifics and released an improved application developed on .NET after 3 years of constant efforts, ensuring no disruption in our client's business continuity.

Enabling Our Client's Business to Evolve and Their End-Users to Succeed

Since the release of the new application, over 200 sales professionals and back-office staff have been enjoying a better user experience worldwide. The new application improves the process flow for generating cost optimisation proposals from minutes to seconds. Considering the changing dynamics in the Textile industry, our team included a certain degree of flexibility in the application, allowing math formulas to be upgraded without releasing a new application. Also, the team applied tactics to reduce the network bandwidth required to make the application more functional for users worldwide. Developed on modern technologies, the application is now easier to maintain, with lower costs.

Fast facts

  • Legacy code modernisation

  • Solution-oriented mindset

  • Complex project

  • Textile industry

Key Technologies: .NET, C#, SQL, REST API, BPF, XAF

What the team has to say:

"It's been a challenging journey so far, and we're happy to see that our solution improves the daily work of hundreds of users and enables our client to keep their competitive advantage in the spinning machinery market. By showing initiative and a relentless will to make things work, we managed to deliver what we promised.

Overall, more than 40 colleagues contributed to the success of the application, seniors and juniors too, who have grown into better software engineers by learning to be adaptable and always keeping an open mind. Thank you, team, for your resilience and hard work in achieving this amazing milestone!" Attila Balogh, Software Architect