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Accesa. Digital evolution, good company

A big thank you to our Brandient consultants for their hard work and dedication in creating Accesa’s new commercial identity.

Accesa. Digital evolution, good company

A more coherent identity for a more powerful market authority

What does Accesa need to establish for itself a more coherent identity and stronger visibility in the International market? We simply need to better express the value residing in our outstanding people and the high quality of our services delivered.

For this reason, in the past six months, we have been working together with Brandient, a renowned Romanian brand consultancy agency, to elevate our brand to the level we already know we can deliver to our customers: a mature, smart and genuine approach in supporting their digital evolution.

Internal launch event

Last week we had our first reveal of the new commercial identity through an internal launch event at Cinema Florin Piersic where we received among us the “brains” behind Brandient: Aneta Bogdan, Managing Partner Brandient and Cristian “Kit” Paul, Creative Director Brandient.

Having Iulian, Mihai, and Paul as hosts, a.k.a. the Managing Director, the Director of Operations and the Business Development Manager, we were able to learn more about the “why, how and what” of the entire branding refinement process. We took a glimpse into both the business strategical reasons for embarking on this journey and the creative concept behind the final version of Brandient’s work (from the new slogan and the updated company values to all the new visual elements).

As is applicable for all our interactions, this gathering was an example of transparency and commitment to open communication throughout the organization.

A few takeaways from Brandient’s presentation

Aneta Bogdan, Managing Partner Brandient:

“What’s behind this whole story with brands? What does a brand do? In what way can a brand transform us? Before anything else, a brand must align your organization with the business strategy. Might seem boring, yet it is essential. Brands build trust, signalize, put a name in people’s minds, differentiate, change trends.”

“The digital evolution of your clients is in good hands. You know there’s an expression, being in a good company, meaning being in a place where people have common interests, common values, common visions. But “good company” also means something else: “good company” is an ethical company, one which treats all colleagues with the utmost respect, fairness and empathy, a company where you enjoy working and you’re proud to be part of its community. That is what Accesa represents.”

Cristian “Kit” Paul, Creative Director Brandient:

“Our creative work for Accesa was to encapsulate all the information we had gathered during the internal audit, everything related to Accesa’s promise in the market, its new positioning, its revised values, and create a visual platform which would be stylistically coherent, powerful and representative for what your organization stands for.”

“You are such a lively, open organization. Yet, when we first looked at your initial website, our question was: What happened here? Why are you so strict in color when, in fact, you’re such lively people, friendly, optimistic, witty? An important part of our mandate as designers was to translate this organizational characteristic of friendliness & openness into a broader color palette. Therefore, we chose a new set of saturated, more friendly and well-harmonized colors, to better express your enjoyable way of being.”

A big thank you to our Brandient consultants for their hard work and dedication in creating Accesa’s new commercial identity.

We can hardly wait to begin implementing all its various new aspects, as we are confident this will create more opportunities and will open doors not only to new partnerships but also to new learning paths for us.